A Record of Managing Growth

Thomas’ Record on the Issues that affect Summit County residents now and in the future.

1. Dakota Pacific project at Kimball Junction

Thomas’ Record: Thomas spent 18 months reviewing the initial DP proposal on Snyderville Basin Planning Commission. Led planning commission colleagues in a 5-2 VOTE AGAINST the land use change that would have allowed housing back into the existing development agreement that governs the “Tech Park” entitlement. Spoke out in no less than (2) subsequent public hearings before County Council reiterating specifically why the DPRE project in various states failed to comply with current code and Kimball Junction Neighborhood Master Plan. Thomas knows a thing or two about the Kimball Junction Neighborhood Master Plan, as he contributed to it, reviewed it, and forwarded a positive recommendation to County Council. It is currently part of the General Plan.
His Opponent’s Record: On March 1, 2023, spoke out in favor of the need for affordable housing: https://www.kpcw.org/summit-county/2023-03-01/downsized-proposal-drawsdownsized-crowd-but-still-opposition-at-public-hearing

2. Cedar Crest Village Overlay, Hoytsville

Thomas’ record: As a Snyderville Basin Planning Commissioner, Thomas has attended multiple East Side Planning Commission meetings to gather as many facts about the current proposal, looking at the project holistically, from understanding the construct of of the Village Overlay code, to the impacts of the current proposed density, infrastructure requirements, traffic impacts, school impacts, sewer impacts, water supply, and open space requirements. At this time, Thomas is against any rezone that would entitle 1,800 single family homes. The actual allowable density under the Village Overlay, with 30 individual landowners has been estimated to be between 4,500 to 6,000. This would support a population greater than the current population of Park City. On January 18th, shortly after filing for candidacy, Thomas’ Opponent said on the record that she was “in favor of the rezone,” and that this type of rezone “was exactly what the people of Coalville and Hoytsville needed.” This was prior to the developers unveiling their Affordable Housing proposal at the next meeting in February, of 5% Affordable units, and stating they didn’t need to offer more because their project offered “Natural Affordability.” Spoiler Alert: there is no such thing in Summit County as “Natural Affordability.”
Thomas’ Opponent, who advocates for affordable housing, did not attend or speak at that meeting where the developer unveiled their unacceptable Affordable Housing plan.

3. Possible Cline-Dahle Private Public Partnership

Thomas’ Record: Thomas has collaborated with current County Council members, Summit County planning staff and other community stakeholders in the initial work sessions exploring the possibility of creating something that has has not been done before in 3. Summit County: a public private partnership for a mixed-use neighborhood on county-owned land. Thomas has participated in (2) planning charettes, and provided input to staff related to housing types, multimodal connectivity, integration of small-town style civic spaces, integration of other needed county services, and responsible stewardship of sensitive lands.
His Opponent’s Record: recently mentioned supporting housing on Cline-Dahle in a campaign interview.